Date 'em Ups

Recommendations page added!

We meet again!

I'm still in the process of porting over my Cohost posts onto here, which I'm trying to do at a cadence of around a post per weekday, at least when I'm not swamped with work. I'll hopefully have the next such post up by tomorrow, but today I'm mixing things up by announcing that I've put together a much-requested recommendations page on this blog, which you can find in the nav bar up top, as well as here because I'm just nice like that. 😌

It should be self-explanatory. It's basically a one-stop shop to look up the various dating sims and other assorted galge I've endorsed over the years. Whether you're new to them and looking to dip your toes into these waters for the first time or gotten your feet plenty wet and are looking for something new and interesting to play, hopefully you'll find something that piques your interest!

The list itself is forever a work-in-progress for all intents and purposes and will be sporadically updated either as I remember more games to add or simply find new stuff I want more folks to try! Either way, you'll find an update log at the top of page letting you know when it was last updated and what all has been added or changed. I probably won't make formal announcement posts for every such update moving forward just to keep the feed tidy, but if I end up doing anything particularly substantial, I may make an exception later down the line. We'll see!

In the meantime, thank you for your patience in waiting for me to put this list together and may it send you down a romantic hole or two. As someone who's been playing these games off and on for over a decade, believe me when I say that there's plenty to dig into for years and years, so I say just pick whatever sounds appealing to you and let nature take its course!

Have fun and happy date simming! 😌
